As usual, when Zippsafe is wanted as the locker room solution in a company the space availability is very limited. This has also been the case in the University Hospital Balgrist. The room, where the Zippsafe systems should be set up measures only 53.1 square feet. In this case, the topic “space efficiency” became especially eminent due to the prominent location of the room in question which is the first floor. Here, space is understood as especially valuable in contrast to the rooms on the ground floor.
Zippsafe could create capacity where no other provider could have made it possible. The two new Zippsafe systems save a lot of space. Additionally they allow for an uncomplicated handling, as well as a save place to store the belongings of the patients. The patients receive a wristband with an RFID-Chip at the reception. This allows for easy opening and closing of the Locker Bags. As surgery-clothing is provided by the hospital, the patients change their street clothing and store them in the Zippsafe Locker Bags. Leaving the hospital the RFID-wristband will be returned and the Locker Bag will be ready for the next patient.