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The topics of corporate social responsibility and sustainability are high priorities at Zippsafe AG. We take ethical, social and environmental responsibility in our long-term business strategy.

Zippsafe AG expects all suppliers and subcontractors to comply with all applicable laws and regulations at the national and international level and to fulfil the requirements of this Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct is based on the principles of international standards such as the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Conventions, and the principles of the United Nations Global Compact. 


This Code of Conduct applies to all suppliers of Zippsafe AG as well as to all sub-suppliers and contracted companies. 

1. Fundamental and human rights 

The supplier undertakes to respect internationally recognised human rights and comply with the aforementioned principles and conventions.

1.1 Forced labour 

We reject any form of forced labour. The supplier undertakes to never use or profit from forced or compulsory labour or any other form of slavery or human trafficking under any circumstances. 

1.2 Child labour 

We condemn any form of exploitation of children. Our suppliers undertake not to employ workers who cannot prove that they are at least 15 years old. 

1.3 Fair and equal treatment 

We reject all forms of injustice and discrimination. The supplier shall prevent any form of discrimination at the workplace. It undertakes not to tolerate any physical, psychological, sexual or verbal abuse. 

1.4 Right of association and collective bargaining 

The supplier must recognise and respect the right of employees to organise in associations and negotiate collective agreements. 

1.5 Working time and free time 

It must be ensured that the requirements of national legal regulations and of agreements are met with regard to holiday leave, working hours, and parental leave. 

1.6 Wages and benefits 

Wages, benefits, and overtime pay must meet the requirements of national legal provisions and agreements at a minimum. 

2. Health and safety 

The supplier must ensure safety at the workplace. The workplace must be free from health hazards. The supplier shall comply with all requirements of the applicable occupational health and safety laws. 

3. Environmental protection and sustainability 

The supplier complies with all requirements under the applicable laws for the protection of the environment and continuously improves its environmental performance. The supplier implements and documents an internationally recognised environmental management system.

4. Corporate Integrity 

Any form of corruption, bribery, and unfair business practice is strictly prohibited. The supplier shall comply with all applicable legal regulations.

5. Intellectual property

The supplier undertakes to protect the intellectual property rights of third parties and their trade secrets. 

6. Data protection

Received data is processed and stored in compliance with the applicable data protection laws. The data will be processed only to the extent this is necessary for the fulfilment of the contract.


Code of Conduct for Suppliers of Zippsafe AG